Of Poets & Other Abandoned Things: Day 30

Day 30

Thank you for joining me for my series: Of Poets & Other Abandoned Things.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Photographer: Rubben Mabuku

Fin: My Story

Chimamada said something abut the importance of telling our stories.
So I'm telling you of a girl who has a gap somewhat like Mama Maya's.
How she too can bring that fire.
I'm telling you of a woman who fell in love with Miss Shompole.
A modern day version of Rumi, the original lover.
I'm telling you of a girl who learnt to fall in love with her own skin.
The person she as always been.
I am telling you the story of a woman who has experienced loss.
I am telling you the story of a woman who has learnt
That surviving is in knowing
That there is charm in the midst of chaos
Independence found in the rubble of betrayal
Something daring about still attempting construction
That at the end of the day self-love is the only absolution.  
I'm telling you the story of my experience of being a black woman in the world.
Of Poets & Other Abandoned Things.
Of surviving with the help of rhyme schemes. 
