Lacy Lover is dead.
Here lies the body of our beloved.
Most bomb pussy, I’m playing - but it was though.
Seriously though, she had a bright smile and still had some
innocent youth.
All of which was split apart, crushed, now kaput.
Another statistic, another black woman they won’t bother to
note is missing
Another one torn apart by demands, limb by limb.
Saying the system is broken when her dead body is evidence it’s
She prioritized other people’s – well, everything.
Their childhood traumas, aggressive quirks, know it all
She had compassion for everyone, everyone but herself.
She didn’t take time out to question her self destructive
habits, lack of real emotional availability
She ran herself bonkers obsessed with taking care of others
“Are you sleeping enough, eating enough, have you called
your mother?”
She was taken for granted, had no boundaries.
She didn’t respect herself, respect her worth
She was a Nas verse in a skrr skrr world
She overlooked the fact that she had to evolve.
She carried a cross on her back instead of owning the ankh
in her womb
She disrespected the legacies she is still yet to groom
Hopefully her death is just a chance for her decaying body
to allow something to bloom
The poetry stopped sprouting from her earth
Because she allowed herself to become the toxic place where
things were dumped
She took on what was not hers
She said “yes” more than she did “no”
She had a savior complex
She was kind to everyone except the person who needed it the
most; herself
She said she wanted to save the world
But forgot the fact that her grown self need to start with
that inner little girl
Who was told that she isn’t good enough, isn’t doing enough,
asks too many questions, “inconveniences” others with a different approach.
So here lies our dearly departed
Most bomb pussy- sorry mama it’s a fact.
She let her lack of self-worth kill her
One night she sat with her pain, asked why it hurt so much
Then she realized it’s because she took on that which was
not hers – including that name.
So goodbye Lacy Lover, thank you for everything you’ve
But your kind doesn’t need to walk this earth, at least not
RIP. Here's to the better you!!