Of Poets & Other Abandoned Things: Day 24

Day 24

Photographer: Rubben Mabuku

Of Poets & Other Abandoned Things

Of Poets & Other Abandoned Things
So, I cling on because I know words would never leave a poet
No matter what they’ll stay, cuddle you up and keep you warm.
Poetry couldn’t leave a poet, not even if it tried.
How else would it manage to stay alive?
Also - I feel like I have everything as long as I remember how to write.
Sometimes, abandon has me feeling alienated so I elevate it with an alliteration
Ride the high with a hyperbole or two
& I smile when I put together a simile because writing is like building internal revenue.
& sometimes I have to personify
Emotions people want me to oversimplify
That they’d rather have me deny.

Do you know how many words in the English language end in the letter y?
Maybe that’s the reason so many of us are filled with questions
But if we don’t ask them how else will we learn all these lessons?
